Monday, August 24, 2020
Child Pornography On Internet Essay Example For Students
Youngster Pornography On Internet Essay In this new period of Information, the Internet has made a wide range of informationreadily accessible. A portion of this data can be helpful, some can bemalicious. Kid sex entertainment, otherwise called Pedophilia is one of theseproblems. Any one individual can discover youngster sex entertainment on the web with just afew snaps of the mouse utilizing any internet searcher. Regardless of website admins and lawenforcement authorities endeavors to control kid erotic entertainment and shut downillegal destinations, new locales are presented utilizing a few different ways on cover their character. The Internet gives another world to inquisitive youngsters. It offers entertainment,opportunities for instruction, data and correspondence. The Internet is atool that opens a window of chances. As Internet use develops, so do therisks of kids being presented to improper material, in particular,criminal action by pedophiles and youngster pornographers. Numerous youngsters firstcome in contact with the Internet at an exceptionally youthful age. A few youngsters becomevictims of kid sex entertainment through close family members who may have mishandled them. A few youngsters become associated with talk administrations or newsgroup strings. It isusually through these locales that they meet kid pornographers. Kids may beasked to send unequivocal pictures of themselves taken either by an advanced cameraor checked from a polaroid. The pornographer will at that point post the photos ontheir site, at times concealing them through encryption, steganography orpassword ensuring them utilizing a javascript or applet. Certain endeavors have beenmade to control youngster sex entertainment through enactment. In 1977 the SexualExploitation of Children Act was placed into Legislation. (U.S. Code : Title 18,Section 2251-2253) The law denies the utilization of a minor really taking shape ofpornography, the vehicle of a kid across state lines, the taking of apornographic image of a minor, and the creation and flow of materialsadvertising youngster erotic entertainment. It additionally restricts the exchange, deal, purchase,and receipt of minors when the m otivation behind such exchange, deal, buy, orreceipt is to utilize the kid or youth in the creation of kid sex entertainment. Thetransportation, importation, shipment, and receipt of youngster sex entertainment by anyinterstate implies, including via mail or PC, is likewise disallowed. The ChildProtection Act of 1984 (U.S. Code : Title 18, Section 2251-2255) characterizes anyoneyounger than the age of 18 as a kid. In this way, an explicitly express photographof anybody 17 years old or more youthful is kid erotic entertainment. On November 7, 1986,the U.S. Congress instituted the Child Sexual Abuse and Pornography Act (U.S. Code: Title 18, Section 2251-2256) that prohibited the creation and use ofadvertisements for kid erotic entertainment and incorporated an arrangement for common remediesof individual wounds endured by a minor who is a casualty. It likewise raised theminimum sentences for recurrent wrongdoers from detainment of at the very least twoyears to detainment of at least f ive years. On November 18, 1988, theU.S. Congress established the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act (U.S. Code : Title 18, Section 2251-2256) that made it unlawful to utilize a PC totransmit ads or visual portrayals of youngster sex entertainment and itprohibited the purchasing, selling, or in any case acquiring transitory guardianship orcontrol of kids to create kid sex entertainment. On November29, 1990, the U.S. Congress authorized US Code : Title 18, Section 2252 creation it afederal wrongdoing to have at least three portrayals of kid erotic entertainment that weremailed or dispatched in interstate or remote trade or that were delivered usingmaterials that were sent or transported using any and all means, including by PC. Withthe section of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, it is a felony foranyone utilizing the mail, interstate or remote business, to convince, initiate, orentice any individual more youthful than the age of 18 to take part in any sexual demonstration forwhich the individual might be criminally arraigned. The Child Pornography PreventionAct of 1996 corrects the mean ing of youngster erotic entertainment to incorporate that whichactually portrays the sexual direct of genuine minor kids and that whichappears to be a delineation of a minor participating in sexual lead. Computer,photographic, and copy innovation is incredibly skillful at making andaltering pictures that have been transformed to look like youngsters eventhough those captured may have really been grown-ups. Individuals who alterpornographic pictures to seem as though kids would now be able to be indicted under the law. .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .postImageUrl , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:hover , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:visited , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:active { border:0!important; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:active , .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf4a0c af91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf4a0caf91cf49580b9c6408805a6aa7f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Thomas Hobbes Essay ThesisAbstracts for these laws can be found at The present enactment set up at the government and state level obviously defineschild erotic entertainment, and the standard condemning for wrongdoers. It likewise clearlydefines a minor and what action including a minor is unlawful. What thelegislation doesn't do is set the guidelines for retreival of proof from anelectronic gadget, to be specific PCs. Likewise, the present enactment doesn't setstandards for unscrambling youngster sex entertainment that is ensured. One model is theuse of Steganography. Steganography utilizes a bitstream calculation to hideinformation as crude parallel code inside different documents reasonable to holdinformation. The most normally utilized type of Steganography utilizes the leastsignificant bit of a bitmap picture to store for all intents and purposes any kind of data. Each three bytes in a bitmap document speaks to a pixel. Each of these bytesrepresents a degree of red, blue or green. Since there are eight bits in a byte,there can be up to 256 unique mixes of 1s and 0s of every a solitary byte. On account of a bitmap, every one of a kind blend of 1s and 0s speaks to alevel of red, blue or green. At the point when the hues are joined, there is thepossibility of 256^3 or 4,294,967,296 various hues. So as to hideinformation inside a bitmap document, the record wherein you need to conceal must becopied bit for bit into the last piece of every byte in the bitmap record. This willchange every pixel of the bitmap record at the most by 1/2,097,152, depending onwhether the bit being replicated is equivalent to the bit it is supplanting. Since thehuman eye can just truly recognize a normal of 250 differentcolors, a distinction of 1/2,097,152 is undefined. Since only one bitof the objective bitmap is being utilized to store data, the source record can atmost be 1/8 of the size of the objective document. On account of a bitmap, a highresolution picture can without much of a stretch hold a lower goals picture that may containchild sex entertainment. Lawfully, if a bitmap picture is foun d to contain a covered up imageusing steganography, there is no legitimate method for extricating that evidencefor a legal dispute. The indictment would need to some way or another disclose howsteganography attempts to a jury, and to the appointed authority, and would need to demonstrate in some way or another that the data found did in certainty originate from that bitmap document. Right now, proof found as such is prohibited in court on the grounds that thereis no enactment managing this sort of proof. Likewise, there is no standardapproved programming that will interpret these records. There are a few softwareprograms promptly accessible on the web which will encode or decodeinformation utilizing the least huge piece calculation. One model is calledHide and Seek. Anybody can get this product for nothing out of pocket, making it easyfor kid pornographers to conceal their work. Another issue is unlawful materialthat is put away on a remote PC. In the event that the culprit of youngster pornographydoes not own the PC that the material is put away on, it would be difficultfor law authorization authorities to acquire
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Taming Of the Shrew Essay Example For Students
Restraining Of the Shrew Essay The strategy Petruchio uses to tame his wench, Katherina, to lay it out plainly, is converse brain science, alongside starving her and not permitting her to rest until she acts like an appropriate woman. His procedure is essential, however his arrangement sets aside effort to achieve results.Ã During act two scene one, Petruchio traces his arrangement to Baptista. He expresses that he will say something contrary to what Kate does. State that she rail, why then Ill reveal to her plain she sings as pleasantly as a songbird. This is called turn around brain science. Toward the start of act three scene two, it is Katherinas selected wedding day and her dad, Baptista, is seen stressing that Petruchio, the man of the hour to be, won't turn up. It is taking steps to turn out to be humiliating for both Katherina and her entire family. Katherine fears she will end up being a fool. Presently should the world point at poor Katherine. A lot later, after Katherina has just left, Petruchio shows up. We will compose a custom paper on Taming Of the Shrew explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now He is wearing worn out and torn garments, riding upon a wiped out pony. He looks more like a poor hobo than a man going to be hitched. This also is a piece of Petruchios many advance intend to tame the wench. By turning up late, it takes steps to humiliate Katherina on her big day before all that know her. Along these lines, Petruchio changes Katherina from a hesitant lady of the hour to one who just wishes for her man of the hour to appear. This is a splendid move. Petruchio will not put on something else. He utilizes the reason that there is no time and that he has been away from his lady of the hour excessively long. In any case, where is Kate? I remain excessively long from her. In Act three scene two, Tranio begins to work out Petruchios plan. He hath some importance in his distraught attire.Ã Petruchio makes a joke of the wedding service, taking the book of scriptures out of the clerics hand when smacking him in the face. He tosses wine at one of the pastorate and noisily kisses Katherina on the mouth. When the service, on the off chance that it could be called that, is over he expresses that in spite of the fact that the visitors expected that he would remain for the gathering, he needs to leave. This also is a piece of his arrangement to tame Katherine. She is stunned and furious about the updates on him leaving before the gathering and inquires as to whether she can beg him to remain. Let me implore you. This is neighborly and isn't the language that a wench would utilize. In this way, the restraining procedure has clearly begun to produce results. At the point when her endeavors to implore Petruchio to remain come up short, she depends on his affection for all her him at the gathering. At the point when this also comes up short, she comes back to her peevish ways and certifies that she won't leave until she satisfies herself. Nay at that point, do what thou canst, I won't go today, no, nor tomorrow, not till I please myself. Kate goes onto state that the visitor will go ahead to the marriage supper. By this she implies that she will go along with them, however Petruchio takes this truly and goes about as though he is just doing what Katherine wishes. They will go ahead, Kate, at thy order. He accept that she will go along with him and not their visitors. He takes Kate away as though he is shielding her from the visitors that may drive her to go to her gathering, despite the fact that it is at the gathering that Kate wishes to be and not with Petruchio. Kate is astounded and can't utter a word, in light of the fact that Petruchio, it appears, is doing this just for her. This also is a piece of Petruchios plan to tame Katherina. He is responding and acting in the contrary method to which Katherina would anticipate that him should act. .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .postImageUrl , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:hover , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:visited , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:active { border:0!important; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:active , .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5a5144fe0916 fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5a5144fe0916fe19b1fde40b415e4c6d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: What makes Emily Dickinson EssayWhen addressing the visitors, Petruchio alludes to Kate as his ownership. She is my merchandise, my assets, she is my home, my family stuff my anything. This gives Katherina isn't an individual and can't have an independent perspective. She is only one of Petruchios possessions.Ã In the start of Act four scene one, Grumio tells Curtis of how Kates horse fell and she fell underneath the pony and was canvassed in mud. Petruchio, who was there at that point, did nothing to help poor Katherina, however rather beat up Grumio in light of the fact that the pony had bumbled. Katherine went to pull her s ignificant other off Grumio. Petruchio swore and Katherine implored. Maybe this may likewise be a piece of Petruchios plan. Curtis expresses that as indicated by what Grumio just let him know, Petruchio is to a greater extent a wench than Katherina. By this retribution he is more vixen than she. Of the pair, one must be capable and reasonable and since Petruchio is acting so petulant, Katherina feels that she must be the mindful and reasonable one. This is a piece of Petruchios restraining process.Ã At the start of Act four scene three, Katherina is whining to Grumio about the way Petruchio is treating her. The more my wrong, the more his hate shows up. What, did he wed me to famish me? I am famished for meat, thrilled for absence of rest. To this, Grumio answers with a proposal of meat and when she acknowledges he concludes she ought not have it since it is excessively peevish. Grumio clearly knows Petruchios plan. Katherina gets tired of Grumio and his jabber and sends him away, similarly as Petruchio and Hortensio enter. Petruchio brings meat for Katherina and she rapidly eats it with Hortensio. At the point when they have completed, Petruchio reveals to Katherine that they should go out and dress in fine garments. At the point when the tailor comes, he carries with him a top for Katherina, which she enjoys however Petruchio doesn't. Fie, fie, tis obscene and grimy. He requests a greater top yet Katherina won't have it any greater saying that it is stylish. This doth fit the time, and refined women wear such tops as these. She is utilizing legitimate language and alluding to herself as an honorable woman. Along these lines Petruchios plan is working. However Petruchio doesn't accept she is delicate yet. At the point when you are delicate, you will have one as well, and not till at that point. This is a lot for Katherine and she at last expresses her real thoughts, revealing to Petruchio that she isn't a kid and that she is irate and on the off chance that she doesnt anything her heart will break. It goes on and Petruchio imagines he has particular hearing to what Katherine says. She is clearly irate with him yet he claims to imagine that she is furious with the tailor and when the tailor adjusts him, he chides at him and calls him names. Thou liest, thou string, thou thimble, thou insect, thou nit, thou winter-cricket thou!Ã Petruchio reveals to Kate that they ought to go to her dads house first by horse and when they show up at one point, they will go on by foot and show up at the goal before sun-down time. Katherina wouldn't like to do as Petruchio asks and Petruchio gets frantic and orders that she do what he says. During Act four scene five, Katherine and Petruchio squabble about whether it is the moon or the sun that sparkles splendidly. I state the moon sparkles so brilliant. Hortensio encourages Katherina to concur with Petruchio or, more than likely they will never leave. So Katherina concurs with Petruchio that the moon sparkles splendidly and Petruchio alters his perspective and says that the sun sparkles brilliantly, so Katherine consents to this too. She doesn't set up a battle and contend any further with Petruchio and she doesn't lose control or baffled with him when he changes his sentiment, so maybe she is subdued, or if nothing else she is giving all the indications of being restrained. .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5 , .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5 .postImageUrl , .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5 , .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5:hover , .u1ed511400e60da819d0373a72b3bdfd5:visited , .u1ed51
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Tips on Saving Money with Two Wheels
Tips on Saving Money with Two Wheels Tips on Saving Money with Two Wheels Tips on Saving Money with Two WheelsBiking instead of driving comes with both pros and cons, but itâs hard to argue with the overall cost savings.Millennials are embracing multimodal transportation â" that is, transportation that involves different ways of getting around. They are willing to bike, take the bus, and use other types of public transport or some combination.The reasons are debatable, but one could argue the cost of commuting by car is one of the reasons. Annual car insurance premiums are more than $2,000 in some states and some people are struggling to afford it â" not to mention the gas.The environment and hope of fighting street congestion are other reasons. Biking and buses are more environmentally friendly transportation options, and theoretically, people using public transport could reduce the number of single-occupant cars, and therefore, traffic. In the most congested cities, commuting by bike can actually be faster than using a car or even train, especially w hen you factor in the time it takes to look for a parking spot.But you donât have to be a big-city New Yorker to financially benefit from bicycle commutes. Biking can be a way to save on gas if you own a car, or a way to supplement your transportation options if you donât.Yearly cost of bicycle vs. car commuting Without considering the cost of the actual vehicle, the potential cost of any personal loans you took out to pay for it, and the depreciation of the carâs value as you drive it, the average annual cost of owning a car is around $5,000. This includes insurance premiums, gas, maintenance, and registration and taxes. This cost can vary quite a bit depending on your local insurance premiums, your daily mileage, and seasonal considerations that burn gas like heat and air conditioning.For those trying to just save money on gas, know that more than one-fifth of that cost is fuel at an average of $1,681 per year.To compare, the basic setup for a bike commute can cost:Around $200 for a used and tuned bicycle from your local used bike shop$100 for a bike rack and pannier to hold your belongings as you ride$25 for a helmet$15 for a tire pump$15 for a secure u-lock$15 for bike lightsAll together: $370 for a basic setup that will get you to and from your destination with no additional costs. To be fair â" your bike will require some maintenance, and accessories will sometimes need replacement over time, but many types of maintenance skills can be easily learned and accessories donât have to be pricey (no matter what hard-core bicycle hobbyists tell you).If you assume that you will spend around $400 on the first year of owning a bike and maybe $100 a year after that, and you use the bike to replace a five-days-a-week work commute and some trips to the grocery store, you could be saving a pretty penny in gas money.If you manage to replace your car entirely, you can end up saving thousands. This is true even if you decide to upgrade to some more high-tech accessories and bicycle choices to make up for not having another form of transportation. As you get experience riding, you will figure out the best areas to invest.Not sure you want to commit?If you simply want to dip your toes into the possibility of biking and test it out, you can rent or borrow a bike. Many cities have bike share programs that will let you see what riding around your area is like.You can also combine biking with other forms of transport. This may be a good option for those with a particularly long commute. For example, most city buses have a bike rack on the front that enable you to bring your bike on the bus with you. This is a great solution to take the best advantage of both biking and bus transportation.For example, instead of walking to a stop, taking two buses, then walking again (taking at least an hour in the process), imagine biking 15 minutes to a stop, taking the most efficient bus across town, then biking the last half mile to work. This is most like ly still cheaper than owning a car.What if I sweat? And other practical concernsA lot of people resist the idea of biking because they feel that itâll be difficult to do without showing up to work sweaty. They also worry about the different kinds of weather challenges. As a bicycle commuter myself, I have to admit that is part of it. My best advice is this:Get a waterproof backpack or pannier to protect your belongings on rainy days (not necessarily expensive).Bring a change of clothes and freshen up in the bathroom before work starts.If youâre especially lucky, your office or place of work may have a gym available to employees or nearby. Many workplaces offer discount programs on nearby gyms. You can use the gym for a quick shower in the morning when you arrive. A lot of bicycle commuters use biking to replace their regular aerobic exercise.Some beginner commuters also worry about safety. They may hear about cyclists getting hit by cars. In my experience, cycling can be a safe activity if you wear a helmet, follow road safety tips, and utilize back roads and cycling lanes as much as possible while avoiding the busy, bike lane-free streets. Your local biking association or club likely has advice for beginner cyclists and even some guided rides to introduce you to bike routes in your city and get a chance to practice bike safety with others. There is always a risk, but driving can be a risky activity, too.Have fun biking (while saving)This may seem like a lot to think about, but most bike commuters quickly adjust to the downsides of bicycling, just as those who drive cars get used to the traffic and the irritation of finding parking spots.Bike commuters who stick with it love being able to exercise instead of sitting in traffic. They often enjoy positive benefits to their health. They also like being in touch with nature and skipping the traffic and crowds. They like being part of a community of cyclists that care about issues affecting transportation, city development, and other common everyday concerns. They also love the money they save and the environmental benefits. Hopefully you enjoy these things about bicycle commutes, too.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
-ci - French Suffix Information and Examples
Suffix: Type of suffix: -ci Nouns demonstrative adjective noun -ci Ce livre-ci est trà ¨s intà ©ressant. Je prà ©fà ¨re ces rideaux-ci. Je dois travailler ce samedi-ci. Qui à ©coute de la musique à cette heure-cià ? Pronouns -ci demonstrative pronoun 1) Celui-ci est trà ¨s intà ©ressant. Je prà ©fà ¨re ceux-ci. 2) Jai lu et puis jai vu le film. Celui-ci est plus intà ©ressant. Germinal Jaime et les chats et les chiens, mais je prà ©fà ¨re ceux-ci. Related lesson: Antonym: -ci -là .
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death Penalty Of The United States - 1520 Words
The use of the death penalty in the United States has always been a controversial topic. The death penalty, also known as Capital Punishment, is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a heinous crime. The judicial decree that someone be punished in this manner is a death sentence, while the actual enforcement is an execution (Bishop 1). Over the years, most of the world has abolished the death penalty. But the United States government, and a majority of its citizens, defend and support its continued use. There is evidence, however, that some attitudes about the death penalty are changing. The first known execution was in the colony of Virginia in 1622, by the 1800s the law in the United States not only accepted capital punishment but also required it (ââ¬Å"Facts about the Death Penaltyâ⬠3). Execution was the automatic penalty for anyone convicted of murder or several other serious crimes. The debate has shifted from whether capital punishment is appropriate in a modern civilized society to questions about the fairness of the trials and the reliability of the results. These questions have contributed to the rise of citizens who oppose the death penalty (ââ¬Å"Facts about the Death Penaltyâ⬠3). A divided United States Supreme Court also appears to be struggling with several important aspects of the death penalty. Especially vulnerable members of society like children, the mentally ill, and the mentally retarded who are viewed as undeservingShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of The Death Penalty894 Words à |à 4 PagesThe United States of America has b een influenced by the Britainââ¬â¢s use of death penalty when Europeans first settled into the new world. Majority of the states still carry out executions, and there are hundreds of people that are on a death row sentence. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, and Criminal Justice Legal Foundation are two opposing organizations. The NCADP is against the death penalty while the CJLF is for the death penalty. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death PenaltyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Of The United States1733 Words à |à 7 Pagesanswer? Then why is there such thing as a death penalty? Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. This is what is stated in the 14th amendment of the Bill of Rights. So why is there still a death penalty in the United States? The first laws created towards the death penalty go as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which allowed the death penalty to be carried out for 25 different crimesRead MoreThe Death Penalty Of The United States948 Words à |à 4 Pages The death penalty is a huge controversy in the United States. There are many different feelings regarding the death penalty. Some feel like it is the easy way out for people who have committed heinous acts, and others feel like it is the perfect justice for those individuals. An argument mad e by the website ListVerse explained, that people teach their children not to steal, or commit crimes because they will be sent to prison and punished (ListVerse). Completing their argument, the same websiteRead MoreThe Death Penalty Of The United States1746 Words à |à 7 Pagesanswer? Then why is there such thing as a death penalty? Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. This is what is stated in the 14th amendment of the Bill of Rights. So why is there still a death penalty in the United States? The first laws created towards the death penalty dates back as far as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which allowed the death penalty to be carried out for 25 different crimesRead MoreThe Death Penalty And The United States3694 Words à |à 15 PagesThe death penalty, as we know it today, didnââ¬â¢t exist in the United States until 1976. However, the American penal system ha s incorporated capital punishment since the earliest settlements were founded in the early 1600ââ¬â¢s. The first recorded execution in the United States occurred in 1608 in Jamestown, Virginia when Captain George Kendall was executed just one year after the Jamestown settlement had been established after he had been convicted of being a spy for Spain (Part I: History of the DeathRead MoreThe Death Penalty Of The United States Essay1631 Words à |à 7 PagesUpon completing a forum post in a Sociology class this semester I was given the task to watch a documentary discussion the death penalty in the United States. After watching several short films that include testimonies of the death row exonerate s, I learned of just how easily these innocent people were almost murdered by a system that you and I are funding. The victims go on not only to tell of their own suffering but also the horror that their families endured. Many of them had several executionRead MoreThe Death Penalty O f The United States2912 Words à |à 12 Pages The death penalty was introduced to The United States by Britain. There have been over 14,000 executions in The United States since 1608. In 2011, 36 states held 3,158 inmates under the death sentence. Hanging, firing squad, the gas chamber, the electric chair, and lethal injections are all methods that are and were used in the history of The United States. Many individuals do not realize what the prisoners go through before getting executed. They also do not know whatRead MoreThe Death Penalty And The Safety Of The United States1180 Words à |à 5 Pagessystem was made to protect the rights and the safety of the citizens of the United States, It was created to have justice in the United States, But even then it has some flaws. Three of the faults I decided to discuss about are the death penalty, Issues within prison for example; weapons and riots, and high incarceration rates. The death penalty is just one of many faults in the justice system. It is legal in 31 states such as Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, FloridaRead MoreThe Death Penalty During The United States Essay2246 Words à |à 9 PagesThe death penalty in the United States can be traced all the way to early American history when it was under the colonial rule of Britain. Though in early history the death penalty was used for even menial crimes such as burglary, capital punishment in the United States is currently used for only the most heinous crimes, such as first degree murder, rape, treason, or espionage. Because the nation was unified under similar Christian beliefs, there was no question of how death could be the worst punishmentRead MoreShould The United States Allowed The Death Penalty?962 Words à |à 4 PagesWith all the jails in the United States being overcrowded with convicts with serious crimes, and doing life without parole. I start to wonder what the impact would be if the United States allowed the death penalty to be used in all fifty states? First, I needed to view into other countries and examine why they still allow to have capital punishment in their country. Out of 196 countries in the world only 58 of those countries still embrace capital punishment. China is at the top of the list that
Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 M1 Free Essays
The nature vs nurture debate has been around for many centuries which argues about the role for heredity and environment in human development. Theorists in the past have argued that all humans are born with instincts which we have in life although other theorists have argued that the way we have been brought up, environment, culture around us are influential in what defines our personality traits and characteristics an example of nature vs nurture debate is the gay gene. The nature side of the debate is that gay is heritable a theorist named George Howt had claimed in 1998 that ââ¬Å"being. We will write a custom essay sample on Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 M1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gay is in are genesâ⬠even though this has not been proven it could be possible that being gay is normal difference which can occur in human nature. The nurture side of the debate is that are sexual orientation is impacted by our environment the theorist who support the nurture side of this debate claim the environment factors involved with our up bringing decide out sexual preference these factors could be friends, culture and friends. Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same personality, behavior and preferences. If grown apart from each other nurture will not have much of a big impact on the twins to have them change their characterize this would prove that nature when it comes to twins is more dominant. How to cite Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 M1, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Voice of Democracy free essay sample
This being said, they built this nation on a foundation of freedom and equality intending to secure liberty for themselves and their descendents, who are the people of today. From the first Ten Amendments written, the most fundamental one was and still is the First Amendment. It guarantees the citizens of America the freedom of speech. For a good government, it is the people that need to voice an opinion to help with decisions and laws for the country. Without our freedom of speech we cannot express our thoughts and ideas freely and openly. Once our freedom to speak our mind is gone, we begin to lose everything that makes us who we are. Freedom of speech has always been a very important right to all Americans, but we must realize that by losing that right we open ourselves up to losing all the other rights and freedom most of us take for granted every day. We will write a custom essay sample on Voice of Democracy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we cannot speak freely then the government can stop us from speaking out on our own behalf allowing them to take away other rights. If we cannot speak freely, who is to say in the future we can vote freely. All the things we have grown accustomed to, as Americans, will be lost. Without this right in the Constitution, the people could be easily subjected to tyranny. The second most important Amendment to the Constitution gives the right to every citizen to bear arms. It was written so that a person could defend themselves from the government. There had been tragedies in the past that could have been avoided if the people had the ability to control their own security. It is a common human desire to provide safety for ones family and oneself, and when a government denies this right to the people, the tragedies of history tend to reoccur. America has a tradition of rights, freedoms, and other basic human dignities, and the second amendment is responsible for supporting the majority of these. The security of a nation lies in its people, and when people are unable to defend themselves, those ten basic human rights of the Constitution no longer count as anything. Last but not least, the most important constituent of democracy is the existence of free and fearless press. This sovereignty grants the press to enjoy complete freedom and revokes the press to be subjected to any restrictions. The voice of the press is the voice of the people, therefore censoring the press means the suppression of peoples voices. The press plays a very positive and constructive role in a democracy. It keeps the people informed of the national and international news and happenings. Also, it brings to the notice of people the programs, policies and activities of the government. Similarly, it keeps the government in the know of the peopleââ¬â¢s problems, difficulties, hopes and aspirations. Consequently, the press serves as a bridge between the government on the one hand and the people on the other. Briefly, the Constitution is the bulwark against tyranny. It gives us liberty and makes America the great country that it is. It is a shield of freedom in the hands of the people. We had attained through the free will to speak, the right to bear arms, and the free will of the press. As long as the Constitution endures, the freedom of America will endure. And as long as the Constitution secures the blessings of liberty, the citizens of America will be secure.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Probable Cause, Search And Seizure
ââ¬Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seizedâ⬠(Fourth Amendment,, 2003). The fourth amendment to the United States Constitution is an important addition that guaranteesââ¬â¢ our right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. It also states that no searches and seizures can be conducted without probable cause nor can any warrants be issued. This is very vague, and the term ââ¬Å"probable causeâ⬠has been left widely un-interpreted after the ratifying of the constitution. This amendment continues to produce controversy and remains debated in our society today. What is ââ¬Å"probable causeâ⬠? How is it determined? When did it become a factor in our early American society? What specifically is it used for? The topic of probable cause stretches back to England in the 1600ââ¬â¢s. The Semayneââ¬â¢s case in 1604 established the right of a homeowner to defend his home against unlawful entry from the kingââ¬â¢s agents. A general warrant was required which needed probable cause to obtain or, if the situation did not require a warrant, then proper reason was needed. Also illustrated in the Entick vs. Carrington case, the Supreme Court of England defined the scope of a search within listed items on the search warrant connected to criminal activity, requiring probable cause (Fourth Amendment,, 2003). Colonial America played a significant role in the reasoning and shaping for the fourth amendment. When the British ruled, before the uprisings of colonists, they were allowed to search and enter any property they wished. ââ¬Å"Writs of assistanceâ⬠were supposed to be official documents allowing the British authorities to enter a hom... Free Essays on Probable Cause, Search And Seizure Free Essays on Probable Cause, Search And Seizure ââ¬Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seizedâ⬠(Fourth Amendment,, 2003). The fourth amendment to the United States Constitution is an important addition that guaranteesââ¬â¢ our right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. It also states that no searches and seizures can be conducted without probable cause nor can any warrants be issued. This is very vague, and the term ââ¬Å"probable causeâ⬠has been left widely un-interpreted after the ratifying of the constitution. This amendment continues to produce controversy and remains debated in our society today. What is ââ¬Å"probable causeâ⬠? How is it determined? When did it become a factor in our early American society? What specifically is it used for? The topic of probable cause stretches back to England in the 1600ââ¬â¢s. The Semayneââ¬â¢s case in 1604 established the right of a homeowner to defend his home against unlawful entry from the kingââ¬â¢s agents. A general warrant was required which needed probable cause to obtain or, if the situation did not require a warrant, then proper reason was needed. Also illustrated in the Entick vs. Carrington case, the Supreme Court of England defined the scope of a search within listed items on the search warrant connected to criminal activity, requiring probable cause (Fourth Amendment,, 2003). Colonial America played a significant role in the reasoning and shaping for the fourth amendment. When the British ruled, before the uprisings of colonists, they were allowed to search and enter any property they wished. ââ¬Å"Writs of assistanceâ⬠were supposed to be official documents allowing the British authorities to enter a hom...
Monday, March 2, 2020
10 Fascinating Facts About Dragonflies
10 Fascinating Facts About Dragonflies Prehistoric-looking dragonflies can be a little intimidating as they swoop about the summer skies. In fact, according to one dragonfly myth, the uncanny creatures would sew up the lips of unsuspecting humans. Of course, thats not even remotely true. Dragonflies are essentially harmless. Even better, these large-eyed aeronauts love to feed on pests like mosquitoes and midges for which we can be truly grateful- but those arent the only interesting qualities that make them so fascinating. 1. Dragonflies Are Ancient Insects Long before the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, dragonflies took to the air. Griffenflies (Meganisoptera), the gigantic precursors to modern dragonflies could reach lengths of nearly 30 inches and dotted the skies during the Carboniferous period over 300 million years ago. If you could transport yourself back a mere 250 million years, youd likely recognize the familiar sight of dragonflies similar to those of the present day. 2. Dragonfly Nymphs Live In the Water Theres a good reason why you see dragonflies and damselflies around ponds and lakes: theyre aquatic! Female dragonflies deposit their eggs on the waters surface, or in some cases, insert them into aquatic plants or moss. Once hatched, the nymph dragonfly spends its time hunting other aquatic invertebrates. Larger species even dine on the occasional small fish or tadpole. After molting somewhere between nine and 17 times, a dragonfly nymph is finally ready for adulthood and crawls out of the water to shed its final immature skin. 3. Nymphs Breath Through Their Anus The damselfly nymph actually breathes through gillsà inside its rectum. Likewise, the dragonfly nymph pulls water into its anus to facilitate gas exchange. When the nymph expels water, it propels itself forward, providing the added benefit of locomotion to its breathing. 4. Most New Dragonfly Adults Are Eaten When a nymph is finally ready for adulthood, it crawls out of the water onto a rock or plant stem and molts one final time. This process takes up to an hour as the dragonfly expands to its full body capacity. These newly emerged dragonflies, known at this stage as teneral adults, are soft-bodied, pale, and highly vulnerable to predators. Until their bodies fully harden they are weak flyers, making them ripe for the picking. Birds and other predators consume a significant number of young dragonflies in the first few days after their emergence. 5. Dragonflies Have Excellent Vision Relative to other insects, dragonflies have extraordinarily keen vision that helps them detect the movement of other flying critters and avoid in-flight collisions. Thanks to two huge compound eyes, the dragonfly has nearly 360à ° vision and can see a wider spectrum of colors than humans. Each compound eye contains as many as 30,000 lenses or ommatidia and a dragonfly uses about 80 percent of its brain to process all of the visual information it receives. 6. Dragonflies Are Masters of Flight Dragonflies are able to move each of their four wings independently. They can flap each wing up and down, and rotate their wings forward and back on an axis. Dragonflies can move straight up or down, fly backward, stop and hover, and make hairpin turns- at full speed or in slow motion. A dragonfly can fly forward at a speed of 100 body lengths per second (up to 30 miles per hour). Using high-speed cameras, Scientists at Harvard University photographed dragonflies taking flight, catching prey, and returning to a perch, all within the time span of between 1 to 1.5 seconds. 7. Male Dragonflies Fight for Territory Competition for females is fierce, leading male dragonflies to aggressively fend off other suitors. In some species, males claim and defend a territory against intrusion from other males. Skimmers, clubtails, and petaltails scout out prime egg-laying locations around ponds. Should a challenger fly into his chosen habitat, the defending male will do all he can to chase away the competition. Other kinds of dragonflies dont defend specific territories but still behave aggressively to other males that cross their flight paths or dare to approach their perches. 8. Male Dragonflies Have Multiple Sex Organs In nearly all insects, the male sex organs are located at the tip of the abdomen. Not so in male dragonflies. Their copulatory organs are on the underside of the abdomen, up around the second and third segments. Dragonfly sperm, however, is stored in an opening of the ninth abdominal segment. Before mating, the dragonfly has to fold his abdomen in order to transfer his sperm to his penis. 9. Some Dragonflies Migrate A number of dragonfly species are known to migrate, either singly or en masse. As with other migratory species, dragonflies relocate to follow or find needed resources or in response to environmental changes such as impending cold weather. Green darners, for example, fly south each fall in sizeable swarms and then migrate north again in the spring. Forced to follow the rains that replenish their breeding sites, the globe skimmer- one of several species thats known to spawn in temporary freshwater pools- set a new insect world record when a biologist documented its 11,000 mile trip between India and Africa. 10. Dragonflies Thermoregulate Their Bodies Like all insects, dragonflies are technically ectotherms (cold-blooded) but that doesnt mean theyre at the mercy of Mother Nature to keep them warm or cool. Dragonflies that patrol (those that habitually fly back and forth) employ a rapid whirring movement of their wings to raise their body temperatures. Perching dragonflies, on the other hand, who rely on solar energy for warmth, skillfully position their bodies to maximize the surface area exposed to sunlight. Some species even use their wings as reflectors, tilting them to direct the solar radiation toward their bodies. Conversely, during hot spells, some dragonflies strategically position themselves to minimize sun exposure, using their wings to deflect sunlight.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Formal Analysis of theVase, Bottle, and Fruit by Henri Matisse Essay
Formal Analysis of theVase, Bottle, and Fruit by Henri Matisse - Essay Example In 1906, Henri Matisse presented yet another still life masterpiece called ââ¬ËVase, Bottle, and Fruitââ¬â¢. This painting made with oils on canvas reflects post-impressionist style of Fauvism, of which Matisse was crowned the King. As an innovation, Matisse did not place the various 2-D still life objects on top of the table. The still life objects seem to be floating within the painting, and absolutely merged in the atmosphere. Although, the subject matter is reality-based, that is various objects on a table yet we see that Matisse has not produced a slavish copy of reality. Instead of painting the still life objects and background to correspond with reality, he presents distorted images to work out pictorial harmony. In fact, the patterns and shapes in this painting successfully depict his surreal interpretation of the subject matter. He employs a dark palette for the background, combined with vibrant colors for the still life objects. This contrast focuses the audienceâ⬠â¢s attention more on the objects than the gloomy, dark background. The interior is absolutely ambiguous, capturing greater attention as a viewer tries to identify the objects and make out the background. The contrasted flat areas do not only add harmony, but also an effect of space to the painting. The clear boundaries of the table combined with the darker colors around it establish the spatial coordinates of the interior. The interior is devoid of shadows and unlike the background is entirely filled with light. The fabric presented here, depicts both, the tablecloth and background, Matisse accentuated the two-dimensional picture surface, which is highlighted even more due to the lack of shadows. He has subjugated the ordinary subject matter to his own artistic desires by constantly evolving the colors and patterns in it. Undeniably this painting is a classic illustration of the rich interplay between forms and colors Paragraph 3: Pure colors and dynamic brushstrokes give life to the painting. He ignores details, and has used vibrant and bright colors and strong lines to produce a feeling of movement. Pattern is the basic philosophy behind the painting. His use of pattern is akin to his use of colors, aimed at in-depth representation of the subject matter, regardless of the elements being still life, figure, and interior. This painting is an evidence of Matisseââ¬â¢s dexterity in the use of bold colors, and organic kinds that is evocatively apparent in it. Essentially, these patterns of the toile de juoy bear resemblance to flora, fauna, and vegetables and are organic. Matisse has used textiles as symbolic depictions and later termed them as ââ¬Ësignsââ¬â¢. The blue tablecloth presented in this painting is in fact based on a textile fabric, an early nineteenth century printed French fabric made of cotton and linen. Matisse admired this fabric and termed it as his ââ¬Ëtoile de Jouyââ¬â¢. In actual, the fabric comprised of a delft blue design ma de on a white backdrop; however, in the painting, Matisse transformed the white into an aqua and grey shades to enrich the overall harmony. The blue and cyan hues add a powerful and bold edge to the overall painting, yet not an overpowering element. His imaginative makeover of the real life theme prime has enabled him to create oriental fantasies based on patterns. This painting incorporates the decorative element of eastern art and also uses a vast array of colors like the French Impressionists. In addition, Matisse has employed fauvism in this painting, as is evident from the wild brush strokes, strident colours, simplified theme, and abstract interpretation of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Financial Analysis of Burberry Group Plc Coursework
Financial Analysis of Burberry Group Plc - Coursework Example In relation to the study the company which has been selected is Burberry Group Plc is a British luxury fashion house established in 1856 and listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2002. Its businessââ¬â¢s mainline involves the sourcing, designing, manufacturing, and marketing of high-end clothing as well as non-apparel accessories for customer segments including women, men, and children. Customers can reach Burberry products through its diversified distribution network of retail, wholesale, digital and licensing channels operated in the United Kingdom and across the world. In the year 2012, Burberry was ranked the 82nd best global brand in the world with regards to its high operating value and such ranking has been improved for the past few years. Therefore, it is worth studying its financial information to see how its operation has developed causing increasing companyââ¬â¢s value. For the purpose of carrying out a financial performance analysis of Burberry, the financial st atements of the company pertaining to the last three financial years have been reformulated (See Appendix). The reformulation of balance sheet reveals the net operating assets (NOA) of the company, net debt, and net equity. On the other hand, the reformulation of income statement has revealed the recurring items and non-recurring or exceptional items in the income statement of Burberry. The income statement has been reformulated in two ways, i.e. full reformulation and basic reformulation. The basic reformulation does not include exceptional or non-recurring items in the income statement, whereas in full reformulation, each and every time has been included in the reformulated income statement. The overall analysis of the income statement for Burberry pertaining to the last four financial years shows that the sales growth declined in 2010 in comparison with 2009, whereas the growth rate showed improvement on consistent basis in 2011 and 2012. The main reason behind this consistency in sales growth is considerable increase in the retail sales of the company in the last two years. In addition to this, as the company is also engaged in the wholesales, there is a insignificant increase in wholesales also noted, which has contributed to the growth in sales revenue to some extent. Reformulated Income Statement (Full) 2012 2011 2010 2009 (Sales growth based on previous financial year) 1.24 1.17 1.07 1.21 As per the reformulated income statement, common size income statements for full and basic income statements have been prepared. Common Sized Income Statement Based on Full Reformulation (Excludes Unusual Items
Friday, January 24, 2020
5 Modes Of Transportation :: essays research papers
5 Modes of Transportation à à à à à In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation, which are: - Motor vehicles - Railroad transportation - Air transportation - Water transportation - Pipelines Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These funds may come from a number of different places such as the federal government, state, or the city through which the system runs. Different government agencies have jurisdiction over the modes. These agencies focus on maintaining and improving safety of each system. The individual states also have certain obligations to the operation and regulation of the different modes of transportation. à à à à à Each mode is made up of primary subsystems. The subsystems of railroad transportation include freight trains and passenger trains. Freight trains are used to transport goods and materials between cities while passenger trains are used to transport people. Although freight trains are still used all across the nation, rail intercity freight has accounted for a decreasing share of the total ton mileage over the past 30 years. This is mostly due to the increase in truck transport. Rail passenger traffic had also declined over the years until better service was offered by Amtrak and the price of fuel increased. Much of the decline in rail passenger traffic has been due to the increasing number of air passengers. à à à à à Air transport can also be divided into the subsystems of passenger and freight transport. Passenger air travel has rapidly increased over the years due to: - Increasing Gross National Product - Increasing wealth of the middle-income groups - Increasing number of nonprimary industry in the economic system - Increasing amount of general aviation - Improved technology The areas for air transport of express and freight and mail has also increased rapidly over the years. This is due mostly to improved technology which has steadily lowered the cost of air transport. à à à à à Like rail and air transport, water transportation can also be broken down to passenger and freight transport. Passenger transportation by water only accounts for a very small percentage of water transport because it is very slow and relatively inconvenient for most people. This is primarily used by people for vacation purposes. Most often, water transport is used for freight movement of items that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Classroom Seating Arrangements
Classroom Seating Arrangements By: Walaa Samir Fayek Classroom management is extremely effective to create a better learning environment, in which the teacher invests in space, time and materials to achieve academic and personal development to the students. Personally, seating arrangements play a significant role in creating a stress-free and a beneficial atmosphere for the EFL learners and helping the teacher in controlling the class easily. It will also reflect their performance in the activities, how much they have grasped from the lesson and facilitate free movement in the classroom.I consider the desks in semi-circles and U-shape are the ideal shapes for my EFL classroom. Arranging the class in a semi-circle allows the teacher to observe the students and also the students will be able to see their classmates and the board. It is also perfect for conducting group discussions and participating in group conversations by building the studentsââ¬â¢ self-esteem and confidence in sh aring their ideas, especially for students who are shy to present their work to others. On the other hand, semi-circle seating arrangement might not be helpful sometimes as the teacher might find it difficult to meet the students one-on-one.It is also not so handy if the class is not big enough because this seating arrangement will take much room than the normal row seating arrangement. As for the U-shape or ââ¬Å"horseshoeâ⬠seating arrangement, it is a good choice as it allows each student to have a panoramic view of the whole class; classmates, teacher and the board as well, and gives the teacher a more direct contact with each student, promoting eye contact, improving classroom behavior and controlling discipline problems especially with young learners. Related article: Cda Competency Goal # 1Moreover, through the U-shape setup, the students wonââ¬â¢t be able to hide or avoid participation and that will encourage them to improve their behavior. The U-shape seating allows a huge space for setting up projectors or any teaching materials and free movement in the class. Desks in U-shape require a large space, which might be a disadvantage that can negatively affect the teaching process. There are other seating arrangements that might be useful in teaching English, especially during the production stage, which are clusters and groups seating arrangement.Young learners of EFL can be placed in small clusters so they can interact easily and dynamically with one another and work on group projects. Clusters help in mixing between students of various skill levels and abilities, allowing the teachers to move around the class and observe the students. One drawback is that some of the students will end up facing other students not the front of the class which may lead to a slight distraction even if it was for young learners or adults.To sum up, seating arrangements have an effective role in enhancing the learnersââ¬â¢ productivity and concentration during the class. There are many examples for seating arrangements like the semi-circle and the U-shape. Both of them can work perfectly if the teacher is conducting an informative lesson that needs the learnersââ¬â¢ focus. Also, there are the clusters and groups seating arrangements that facilitate the group work and help the learners to connect their thoughts together.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
How to Conjugate the Verb Conoscere in Italian
To knowTo be familiar withTo meetTo recognizeTo experienceTo enjoy What to Know About ââ¬Å"Conoscereâ⬠Itââ¬â¢s an irregular verb, so it does not follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.Itââ¬â¢s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is ââ¬Å"conoscere.â⬠The participio passato is ââ¬Å"conosciuto.â⬠The gerund form is ââ¬Å"conoscendo.â⬠The past gerund form is ââ¬Å"avendo conosciuto.â⬠Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io conosco noi conosciamo tu conosci voi conoscete lui, lei, Lei conosce essi, Loro conoscono Ad esempio: Conosci la Professoressa Rossi, vero? - You know Professor Rossi, right?Tutti conoscono a memoria il proprio inno nazionale. - Everybody knows their national anthem by heart. Il passato prossimo io ho conosciuto noi abbiamo conosciuto tu hai conosciuto voi avete conosciuto lui, lei, Lei, ha conosciuto essi, Loro hanno conosciuto Ad esempio: Ieri sera ho conosciuto tua sorella. - I met your sister last night.Come ti hanno conosciuto? - How did they meet you? Lââ¬â¢imperfetto io conoscevo noi conoscevamo tu conoscevi voi conoscevate lui, lei, Lei conosceva essi, Loro conoscevano Ad esempio: Mia mamma conosceva Salvator Dalà ¬. - My mom was familiar with Salvator Dalà ¬. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo conosciuto noi avevamo conosciuto tu avevi conosciuto voi avevate conosciuto lui, lei, Lei aveva conosciuto essi, Loro avevano conosciuto Ad esempio: Avevo conosciuto Marco una mattina di Settembre. - I had met Marco one morning in September.Il suo corpo aveva conosciuto il dolore della vecchiaia. - His body had known the pain of old age. Il passato remoto io conobbi noi conoscemmo tu conoscesti voi conosceste lui, lei, Lei conobbe essi, Loro conobbero Ad esempio: Conobbi mio marito ad una cena veramente noiosa. - I met my husband at an extremely boring dinner. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi conosciuto noi avemmo conosciuto tu avesti conosciuto voi aveste conosciuto lui, lei, Lei ebbe conosciuto essi, Loro ebbero conosciuto TIP: This tense is rarely used, so donââ¬â¢t worry too much about mastering it. Youââ¬â¢ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io conoscer noi conosceremo tu conoscerai voi conoscerete lui, lei, Lei conoscer essi, Loro conosceranno Ad esempio: Conoscerà ² le gioie della paternità ! - Iââ¬â¢ll experience the delight of fatherhood!Quando lo conoscerai rimarrai sorpresa. - When youââ¬â¢ll meet him youââ¬â¢re going to be surprised. Il futuro anteriore io avr conosciuto noi avremo conosciuto tu avrai conosciuto voi avrete conosciuto lui, lei, Lei avr conosciuto essi, Loro avranno conosciuto Ad esempio: Quando avrai conosciuto la soddisfazione dopo lââ¬â¢impegno mi ringrazierai! - When you will have experienced the satisfaction that comes after a struggle youââ¬â¢ll be thankful to me! Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io conosca che noi conosciamo che tu conosca che voi conosciate che lui, lei, Lei conosca che essi, Loro conoscano Ad esempio: Spero che tu conosca pià ¹ persone che puoi nella tua vita. - I hope you meet the most people you can in your life.Voglio che voi conosciate cosa vuol dire il duro lavoro. - I want you to know what working hard means. Il passato io abbia conosciuto noi abbiamo conosciuto tu abbia conosciuto voi abbiate conosciuto lui, lei, egli abbia conosciuto essi, Loro abbiano conosciuto Ad esempio: Sono sicura che lo abbiano conosciuto al mio compleanno lââ¬â¢anno scorso. - Iââ¬â¢m sure they had met him at my birthday party last year. Lââ¬â¢imperfetto io conoscessi noi conoscessimo tu conoscessi voi conosceste lui, lei, egli conoscesse essi, Loro conoscessero Ad esempio: Pensavo che tu lo conoscessi! - I thought you knew him! Il trapassato prossimo io avessi conosciuto noi avessimo conosciuto tu avessi conosciuto voi aveste conosciuto lui, lei, Lei avesse conosciuto essi, Loro avessero conosciuto Ad esempio: Se tu avessi conosciuto mio padre sapresti il perchà ¨ di tante cose. à If you had known my dad you would have understood a lot of things. Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io conoscerei noi conosceremmo tu conosceresti voi conoscereste lui, lei, Lei conoscerebbe essi, Loro conoscerebbero Ad esempio: Lo conosceresti se te lo chiedessi? - Would you meet him if I asked you? Il passato io avrei conosciuto noi avremmo conosciuto tu avresti conosciuto voi avreste conosciuto lui, lei, egli avrebbe conosciuto essi, Loro avrebbero conosciuto Ad esempio: Se si fosse lasciato amare avrebbe conosciuto la bellezza di una famiglia. - If he had let himself be loved he would have experienced the happiness of a family.
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